Field Notes Book Group
Join Field Notes for our first meeting of the year, when we will discuss our January selection, The Seventh Veil of Salome, by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. Copies are available at the Circulation Desk.
In 1950's Hollywood, a new Biblical epic is being filmed, The Seventh Veil of Salome, and all the young actresses see the lead as a star-making part. When the director casts an unknown Mexican actress, Vera Larios, as the lead, the whole community is abuzz, especially Nancy Hartley, an actress down on her luck who is convinced the part should be hers and is willing to do anything to get it. Interspersed with the story of the making of a movie in the 1950's studios, with all the sexism, racism and xenophobia of the time, not to mention the Red-baiting and the efforts to get around the Hays Code, is the story of Salome herself, a different and fuller version than has been told in the Bible or in the movies.
We always have interesting and lively discussions, and we always have refreshments, so come on in and join us.