Teen Programs

Feb 24 3:15pm

Teen Just Dance

No se necesita inglés.

Compete against other Peekskill teens in the video game Just Dance to see who the best dancer is!

Sneakers are highly recommended.

Drop-in program for ages 12-18 in the Downstairs Teen Room.

Questions? Email Maggie at mleung@thefieldlibrary.org.

Feb 26 3:15pm

Teen Tabletop Gaming

Play card games & other tabletop games (like Codenames, Sushi Go!, Unstable Unicorns & We Didn't Playtest This at All) with other teens!

Drop-in program for ages 12-18 in the Downstairs Teen Room.

Questions? Email Maggie at mleung@thefieldlibrary.org.

Mar 03 3:15pm
Teen Advisory Board (TAB)
For 8th - 12th graders.
MUST REGISTER at bit.ly/33tab by 10 am the day of TAB to get pizza.
Suggest library purchases & ways to improve teen programs!

Pizza & volunteer hours provided.

Registration recommended program in the Downstairs Teen Room.
Questions? Email Maggie at mleung@thefieldlibrary.org.